Sims 4 Parenting Skill Cheat: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re a Sims 4 enthusiast, you know how rewarding it is to guide your Sims through life’s challenges, including parenting. 

However, developing parenting skills in the game can take time, especially if you’re juggling multiple Sims or trying to focus on other aspects of their lives. 

That’s where the Sims 4 parenting skill cheat comes in handy! In this article, we’ll explore how to use this cheat, why it’s helpful, and answer some common questions about parenting skills in the game.

What is the Parenting Skill in Sims 4?

The parenting skill was introduced in The Sims 4: Parenthood game pack and is a crucial element for Sims raising children. 

It helps your adult Sims improve their interactions with kids, allowing them to discipline, teach, and care for their offspring effectively.

As your Sims advance in their parenting skill, they unlock unique abilities, like advising teenagers or helping toddlers with their emotions. 

While levelling up naturally is part of the game, sometimes you might want to speed things up with a cheat.

Why Use the Sims 4 Parenting Skill Cheat?

Let’s face it—life in Sims can get hectic. 

You may want your Sim to master parenting quickly to:

  • Focus on other skills or careers.
  • Handle a growing Sim family with ease.
  • Explore more advanced parenting interactions sooner.

Using cheats allows you to bypass the grind and jump straight to the fun parts of gameplay.

How to Use the Sims 4 Parenting Skill Cheat?

Before you can use any cheat in The Sims 4, you need to enable cheats in the game. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enable Cheats:
    • On PC: Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console.
    • On Mac: Press Command + Shift + C.
    • On Console: Press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 (PlayStation) or LB + LT + RB + RT (Xbox).
    • Type testingcheats true and hit Enter. You’ll see a confirmation that cheats are enabled.
  2. Enter the Parenting Skill Cheat:
    • Type the following command into the cheat console:
      stats.set_skill_level adultmajor_parenting [level]
      Replace [level] with a number between 1 and 10. For example, if you want your Sim to have max parenting skills, type:
      stats.set_skill_level adultmajor_parenting 10
  3. Hit Enter 

To apply the cheat, and your Sim will instantly gain the desired parenting skill level!

What Can You Do with Higher Parenting Skill Levels?

Every level of the parenting skill unlocks new abilities:

  • Level 1-3: Basic interactions like encouraging behavior and helping with needs.
  • Level 4-6: Advanced teaching, disciplining, and emotional control techniques.
  • Level 7-10: Master parenting, unlock effective discipline methods, and offer life-changing advice.

With max parenting skills, your Sim becomes the ultimate parent, capable of shaping their kids into responsible and well-rounded Sims.

Other Cheats to Enhance Parenting Gameplay

If you’re looking to make parenting even easier or more fun, here are some related cheats you can try:

  • Make a Sim Happy:
    sims.add_buff Buff_Happy
    Keep your parenting Sim in a good mood for better interactions.
  • Max Needs for All Sims:
    testingcheats true
    fillmotive motive_hygiene (Repeat for hunger, energy, fun, etc.)
  • Instantly Age Up a Child:
    Shift-click on the child (with cheats enabled) and select “Age Up.”

Tips for Better Parenting in Sims 4

Even with cheats, effective parenting requires strategy. Here are some tips:

  • Use parenting interactions frequently to strengthen the parent-child bond.
  • Focus on teaching values like responsibility and empathy.
  • Balance discipline with encouragement for better outcomes.
  • Utilize the reward store to get traits that make parenting easier, like the “Super Parent” aspiration.

Related: Parallel Parenting? 


Cheats in The Sims 4 aren’t just shortcuts; they’re tools to enhance your experience and unlock new possibilities. 

The Sims 4 parenting skill cheat allows you to fast-track your Sim’s parenting journey, making it easier to enjoy all the fun aspects of the game without the grind.

Now that you know how to use this cheat, go ahead and help your Sims become the super parents they’re destined to be. 

Happy simming!

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